
38 years old in a 61 year old body

Today is my spiritual birthday. While my physical form is 61, I awakened 38 years ago to That which lies beyond that which we perceive. In my small apartment with my dog, my known world disintegrated to reveal a greater understanding.

Like Denzel‘s counsel to Will regarding his “slap heard around the world” my peak experience beckoned a sudden darkness. Resisting that temptation, I committed myself to the Source of All, peak and valley, light and dark. I recommit daily, and especially on this anniversary, never regretful for having done so.

Have you had a peak experience? Can you recommit to That which has so blessed you? Ki to Happiness counts her blessings for 38 years of greater understanding having peeked beyond that which we perceive.


New Life

A couple of our long-term community members have just welcomed a new baby to the Earth. Such an act of bravery and courage at this time of global upheaval. I celebrate with their family at a distance as the next variant sweeps through our area.

New life gives me pause to reflect on my old life. Releasing dead skin, I find new skin underneath. Letting go of old patterns that have contributed all they could to my existence, I discover new patterns arising which are more suitable for today.

How do you respond to the prospect of new life? What can you shed to make room for the new? Ki to Happiness celebrates the cycles of life.


Following sparks

I had a little free time yesterday in which I browsed our Goodwill, which shares our building on the first floor. A couple of unusual items sparked my interest. I gathered them as I continued looking about, with full permission to put them back down.

Instead, they stayed clutched in my arm as I headed to check out. After the purchase, it occurred to me that they’d be perfect for a special event I’ve been invited to…in June.

When you have free time, do allow your self to follow what sparks your interest? Can you open yourself up to inspiration, however mysterious? Ki to Happiness follows sparks like stepping stones…


Knock knock

My plants called to me in their green language requesting a change of location. Our space is north facing with minimal direct light. Heeding their request with Spring’s light’s changes, I watered them as we settled into the new arrangement.

Just then, a knock came at the door. I opened it to see a community member returning my harmonium and guitar which have been in her possession for a couple of years. Both fit right in to the space where the plants had been in our small living space.

Are you witnessing synchronicities in your life? Can you feel how they let you know you are on the right path for you? Ki to Happiness appreciates the little miracles as evidence of connection to the Spirit of Guidance.


Dad shaped hole

Two years ago today our governor shut down the state. As we slowly and safely reopen, there is much to celebrate. Hatha Yoga Center students participated in a couple of partners postures, filling in some of the space between us from our time of isolation due to restrictions.

About 90 years ago today, my biological father was born. When I was about 18 months of age, he shut down his role in my life, no longer parenting me or providing for my needs. The dad shaped hole he left in my life I’ve filled in with Divine Father’s love through many surrogates, substitutes and partners of all of life’s postures.

What has been missing in your life? How do you fill in the space that its absence reveals? Ki to Happiness calls on Divine Mother-Father God-dess.


Joy multiplied

I am greeted this morning by a client‘s text. It shares joy which is multiplied as it brings me joy also. Most often clients share sorrow in its many disguises, so it may be halved.

Such a power we have in where we focus our attention and what we do with it. As I focus on gratitude in my daily practices, I connect with others doing the same thing. We become an invisible team connected to each other whether or not we’re aware of it or each other.

What sorrow needs to be halved? What joy multiplied? Ki to Happiness shares with all of you who share with me.


Watch Cats

Last night during class I received a text alerting us to the sighting of a trespasser in our building. To keep the students safe, I shared with them the information. Then took needed action with Bob to secure our living space.

Our three cats picked up the vibration. Each held a watchful post all night so we could sleep. All is well as we slip into the daylight hours when we will reverse roles.

Who watches over you so you can rest? Do you take turns? Ki to Happiness watches cats watch, learning from their quite stillness, readying to pounce only if necessary.



Last night in Bob’s class we had seven live students. I assisted him with demonstrations as I have done ever since his stroke in early December. The seriousness of the pandemic, like the darkness of winter has vanished.

Bob authoritatively placed the students in the Hatha Yoga Center where he wanted them and taught like he has since 1977. He resumed his bad jokes, guiding students into practices of all levels and had me dog-and-pony-show those few poses he no longer masters.

Have you resumed mirth and joy in your practice? Do you feel how it bubbles up from within? Ki to Happiness resumes her appreciation and respect for the resilience of yoga and its practitioners every day.


Cherry Blossom Time

Despite restrictions, mandates, on and off, wars on foreign soils, inflation and climate change, the cherry trees have blossomed. The joy that swells in them has burst forth with fragrance and palest pink petals. This year, they are not fenced off from the public.

Seeing them, I align with the natural world. Their joy also swells in me. Happiness, peace, bliss, all come forward just because.

What is blooming in your area? Can you feel it occurring also within? Ki to Happiness naturally opens up.


Welcome Spring

I greet the Spring with farmer’s market flowers. Daffodils, tulips and hyacinths adorn my clean altar. My fresh green notebook contains my prayers for the season ahead, with juniper incense lifting those intentions skyward.

Having thanked the winter for its cold dark hibernation, many blessings remain from this time of deep reflection. Hatha Yoga Center continues. Bob , Jai and our cats celebrate as we always have.

Have you thanked the winter? How will you welcome Spring? Ki to Happiness smiles and breathes.