
First Light

Working away with my practices in the dark, I heard a bird announcing first light. The joy in the bird song drew me up and out of myself. I looked out the window and saw heavy gray somber clouds, slightly illuminated by dawn.

A new day is upon us. It is to be welcomed, says the Winged Ones. With joy and sound and anticipation, I open up to this day.

How do you greet first light? Can you open up to the potential in this day? Ki to Happiness has been reminded to sing.


On the Receiving End

A Course in Miracles helps us recognize that giving and receiving are one. Like you, dear reader, I am a big giver. It’s taken a lifetime to become comfortable on the receiving end.

Most recently, my capacity to open has been overwhelmed with support, prayers and the specific help our circumstances require. I am growing ever more grateful. Now I’m giving that loving gratitude to you.

Can you open up to receive my gratitude? Will it help you to know that you can turn around and give that gratitude to someone else? Ki to Happiness thanks you all for your eyes reading these words.


Calling all Angels

As a post- Mother’s Day ritual I repotted a few little plants to brighten HYC. I taught my morning class and after a brief rest shifted into editing my manuscript. As I entered into conducting a private session before demonstrating for Bob‘s evening class, I overheard him having a disturbance on the phone.

He shared the trouble with me as we mobilized for assistance from our community. Having done all we could do, after his evening class, it was time to pray. Together, we called all our angels, saints, guides and guardians.

Who do you call on? What do you do to find your center when threatened? Ki to Happiness calls on you, and all Helper Beings as she grounds herself with yoga.


Expectations and disappointments

Reflecting on the weekend, you may have had all your expectations met. If not, you may be experiencing disappointment. Seems like all the different holidays have this in common.

When every day is a holiday, we may remove expectations and celebrate what Is. In this way, we save ourselves from disappointments. Accepting life on life‘s terms makes every day holy.

How was your holiday weekend? Can you still enjoy it today? Ki to Happiness accepts life as it is, free from expectations and disappointments.


Happy Mother’s Day

Someone took care of me before I did. That’s how I learned to care for myself. I’ve evolved my methods of self care over my the span of my life based on the start.

I’ve taken care of others before they were able. I hear from them that they have continued, and evolved their methods along the way. Happy Mother’s Day to all who care for others and allow room for that care to evolve.

Who took care of you before you learned how to? How can you best honor that selfless service? Ki to Happiness thanks her mom and the Divine Mother within all who care enough to serve selflessly.


Hunting Weasel words

I’ve learned from my writing coach that the average number of revisions required for publication of a manuscript is seven. That encourages me as I hunt weasel words for editing in this 4th revision. They are extraneous words that soften the verbs towards passivity.

Women’s writing once was its own genre, which encouraged the use of the passive voice, as well as passive participation in our society. One by one, I am activating this woman’s writing as I pump up my verbs into muscular action. Here’s to becoming a more active participant in society, one word at a time.

Were you taught to soften your word choice? Can you give voice to your truth? Ki to Happiness speaks up.


Right again

For a while I felt like my ship had capsized yesterday. Negativity tumbled out of my holdings. I thought badly about myself which I haven’t done for a long time.

Instead of lingering and indulging in more of the stored unconscious conditioning, I stopped. I looked in the mirror as I told myself to STOP. I witnessed my ship right itself again.

Can you stop yourself when you need to? How do you right your ship? Ki to Happiness’s relationShip with herself is right again.



Hatha Yoga Center has welcomed more live students in attendance. Slowly and safely, one by one with or without masks, they’ve been starting to show up. Many are new to the practice.

This brings me such joy. I love being embodied with the physical movements, breathing consciously as I “set my heart on the everlasting” as the yoga sutras advise. Teaching others to open to this experience is its own reward.

What brings you joy? Can you open yourself up to the experience and offer it to others? Ki to Happiness enjoys her attention dancing with all in attendance.


Reproductive Rights

I’ve never had an abortion. I’ve never needed one. I’m blessed to have been fertile at a time when I could’ve had one if I needed one.

Like many of us, I was sexually abused as a child. I experienced a sexually abusive first marriage. During those dreadful days, having access to safe and private professional reproductive options empowered me to responsibly avoid unwanted pregnancies.

How have you exercised your reproductive rights? What can you do to protect those rights? Ki to Happiness supports conscious reproduction.



I looked at my phone yesterday and suddenly dozens of DMs arrived. I realized immediately I had been hacked and got busy to rectify the situation. In 11 minutes I was unhacked.

Keeping my breath balanced, the stress response of increasing my cortisol level calmed. After sending off notices to those who may be affected, I took a vigorous walk in the woods as I chanted to release the remaining increase in cortisol. I am relieved to have reacted, responded and recovered quickly,

How is your stress response? How swiftly can you recover? Ki to Happiness employs balanced yogic breaths whenever imbalance threatens.