
Moving on and on

When I first experienced yoga, as a kid, I didn’t get what the big deal was. Easy simple movements in which we were to breathe left me wanting the challenge of ballet and it’s jumps and turns. Any movement I preferred to sitting still and waiting to grow up.

As an adult, I continue appreciating any movement and now that I’ve “grown up” I find the value of sitting still in meditation. Science is catching up with our need for movement throughout our lifespan. Simple, safe, stress-free movement affirms life force within.

How would you like to move today? What would best affirm your life force? Ki to Happiness moves on and on…


Tap dancing on the moon

I learned this morning about my dear former associate who is on a feeding tube with dementia and multiple cancers. In addition to our years working together,we played music together, in our off hours. I hear her playing, one of her cousins original tunes, which was entitled Tap Dancing on the Moon.

When we parted ways, I left our Midwestern association to follow the path of yoga around the world. Along the way, I stopped to fulfill her projection of me as “future Dr. McGraw” which she called me when I had only my first Masters degree. I am wrapped in my memories of her, which I wear like the cloak she gifted me decades ago, and pray to mother Mary seven times a day, making sure to invoke God Almighty, not just any old God, as she insisted during our last visit.

How do you honor those who have influenced your path? When you’ve parted ways, what do you bring with you? Ki to Happiness sings the old songs and prays.


Slow cooking

I received an email yesterday that brought up for me a desire for instant gratification. I couldn’t get any. It took me back to the many times that I have needed to wait and feel uncomfortable feelings.

Sometimes, when we are hungry, we eat junk food instead of slow cooking. Never shopping when hungry, always having a nutritious bite on hand and sipping warm water protect me from eating crap. Similarly, praying, sipping in my connection to spirit and balanced breathing all satisfied my needs until I got the gratification the email brought up in me.

What do you do with yourself when you cannot immediately get your needs met? Where do you turn to with your uncomfortable feelings? Ki to Happiness turns to Divine Mother/Father in prayer and breath.



Lately I’ve been noticing little mishaps. Any one of them may have become true problems, but instead, each has resolved itself. What remains is a sense of gratitude for this protective benevolence that surrounds me.

I have opened myself up to get the message from my higher self to slow down, rest, and witness resolution. in doing, so I am aware that I have help, I am not alone, I don’t have to do everything, and that, in fact, I’ve never done anything alone. Every head bump, tech glitch, misstep has been healed, straightened out and reformed into faith and confidence in the Invisible Helpers that intervene in Divine timing.

Who helps you? How patient can you be?Ki to Happiness rests and witnesses all prayers answered in Divine Timing.


Brittney Griner’s release

My mom posted about Brittany Griner’s release from Russian imprisonment in exchange for a Russian imprisoned in the USA. I appreciate her knowing about this news before me and recognizing it’s significance enough to share it. I immediately sent the information on to my husband, who is an avid sports fan, especially regarding any of our Seattle teams.

I blog about it to express my wonder at the world we live in, the difference in cultures and laws, the need to respect other’s ways so we learn. Traveling taught me to leave my expectations at home so I could embrace the ways of my hosts. I recognize that we are guests, so right or wrong, if I go someplace else, I do so accepting their ways of being for a time.

How good of a guest are you? How do you need to behave in order to be welcomed back? Ki to Happiness wants to be a good guest on the Earth.


Gemini Full Moon

On this last full moon of 2022, it’s a perfect time to let go of aspects of the year that have already served their purpose. Releasing fear, stress, anxiety allows space for creative expression which Gemini craves. Using this energy in this way will give us a head start on welcoming 2023.

Whatever personal material this moon brings up, we are wise to look at it head on. Without diverting from the truth, what may be revealed wants to be manifested. Writing, singing, dancing, speaking with others are all sociable Gemini’s preference.

What is being revealed to you with this full moon? What do you need to let go of in order to allow it’s expression? Ki to Happiness lets go of fear and says “ Let’s Go!” to Love, Unity, Harmony, Peace, Abundance, Forgiveness, Beauty and Joy.


Look at the Root

Since Thanksgiving, I’ve had a strange sensation in one of my front teeth. Instead of putting it off any longer since it wasn’t getting better I went to see my dentist. She took a look at the root and reassured me that all is well, perhaps a slightly sprained ligament from biting into my homemade crusty French bread.

When I was a kid I spent a lot of time in the orthodontists chair having had multiple sets of braces and retainers from age 6-17. Back then it was believed that my roots were potentially compromised which I was warned about. Now, that warning is updated to reflect the new awareness that my roots are strong and healthy!

What old warnings need to be updated in your life? What roots need to be examined? Ki to Happiness replaces old fears and warnings with new awareness of healthy roots.


Stroke of genius

One year ago Bob had what we have come to call his stroke of genius. That’s not what we were calling it first when he was unable to speak, walk, sit, drink, or stand. Slowly with the right medical attention and therapy we found the genius inside the emergency.

His yoga practice gave him a high baseline to which he had returned “99%”, he says. With his new practices of drinking water and taking walks, I’d say he has improved his quality of life. His changes certainly have improved the quality of my life.

Can you find the good inside the crises in your life? Can you improve the quality of your life without a crisis? Ki to Happiness honors Bob Smith and his year of recovering from his stroke of genius.


Flight path

Walking with Bob yesterday, we chose a different route. Toward the last lingering sun, we could see the cold temperatures taking affect as the melted snow started turning to black ice. He prudently used his cane as he watched every step.

Compassion rose up in my heart, replacing any past resentment or impatience. It’s been a year since his stroke, and I marvel at the changes in him including his acceptance of his minor detriment. As we returned home, the crows took flight overhead like we had join them on their flight path.

What stirs the compassion in your heart? Who models acceptance of limitations for you? Ki to Happiness releases the past to marvel in the present.


The power grid

Yesterday I spoke with an old friend who had questions about my perception of power. I shared with him what I learned long ago about the Higher Power representing the vertical axis which becomes manifest on the Earth through each of us. That power line is intersected by the horizontal axis in which people interact, sometimes leading to power struggles.

He had never heard of that power grid, only the one that results in bills from the power companies. As he contemplates the new perspective, I felt moved to share it with you here, dear readers. Where the vertical and horizontal meet we have a cross which we all bear, in balance and lightness or imbalanced heaviness.

How is the power in your relationships distributed? What is your relationship to your Higher Power today? Ki to Happiness bears her cross with ever refining balancing practices.