

After my morning practices, I am full of a sense of abundance. I have made it through so many challenges in my life, without the strength or resource to do so on my own. I have a keen sense of benevolence supporting me, guiding me, and protecting me.

When I look at the newspaper, I am aware how miraculous that is. I am healthy, still working, somehow able to honor all my commitments and feeling joyous. I love sharing that with you, here, as well as on the Hatha Yoga Center live streaming group page, live in person classes, and in private sessions.

How is your sense of abundance? What practices support you in choosing into that awareness? Ki to Happiness is grateful for the abundance of support, protection and guidance daily body mind spirit integrative practices bring.



That’s not what I call mine. The word always sounded too formal. I call her mom. In my heart, I call her mama. I’m so glad I still get to call her. She’s 83. I will call her as soon as I finish writing this, dear readers. She may be reading this now. She was my first reader, and my first fan.

My kid is off the hook. I give my stepson room to express his love and care for me in anyway he chooses, at any time. I reflect on the many ways I’ve mothered in my lifetime. I cherish the opportunity to nurture: pets, plants, students, clients, other people’s kids all have given me the gift of finding this outpouring from my heart.

Are you able to call your mom today? What do you expect of those you’ve mothered? Ki to Happiness wishes you all a happy Mother’s Day every day.


Understandable human

More than anything else, we would like to experience ourselves as an understandable human. As we take the time to back away from judgment, we widen our perspective. With enough distance and time, our understanding may grow.

The more often we repeat this process, the more likely it is that we will offer this to others. When we don’t understand someone, instead of judging them, we may take time and space from them, so we may broaden our view and remember that we’ve had to do that with our own issues in the past. Over time and frequent repetitions, we come to experience the world with all of its complexity as meaningful.

What have you come to understand about yourself? How does that help you in understanding others? Ki to Happiness is an understandable human living in a meaningful world.



Like you, I deal with ordinary problems and challenges daily. I include them here so you know I am living with you on the same planet. Yoga offers me all kinds of tools with which I can wash my eyes and see freshly the beauty that surrounds me, anyway.

Having practiced this morning, instead of seeing through eyes filled with yesterday’s issues (news, schedules, exhaustion) or today’s problems (misbehaving cats, yack on the floor, loud neighbors) tears soften my windows of the soul. I see the artwork I’ve made of my gemstone collection. I have framed my window on the world with a lifetime of loving rocks.

How fresh are your eyes? What do you need so that you can see the beauty and the majesty? Ki to Happiness washes the eyes with yoga.



Nearly 2 years ago I started blogging daily here. I had something in mind. What has occurred isn’t that. Instead, the Covid pandemic upset all our plans. Still, I persevere, as do you, dear reader.

I felt motivated to make use of the extraordinary time by revising my memoir. I’ve made great progress with lots of assistance. As we continue to reopen, my available time shrinks to accommodate more students, trainees, and lots of private clients. That’s what I had in mind, after all!

What have you had in mind? Are you able to adapt to the changing circumstances? Ki to Happiness adjusts to what fits.



Four years ago, my husband got very sick on all levels. At the time he said he died. Certainly, he is a very different person now. His essence continues. As time passes, he is well, without outward symptoms. The medical system came through for him with surgery, pharmaceuticals and charity.

The energetic widowhood I have experienced is private. Publicly we continue to present a united front. We are together, with our cats, our son, our studios and our practices. This is not the case for two of my long term besties. Both shared yesterday that each of their partners died 4 years ago. Cancer took one. Car wreck took the other. Clear contrast from the dramatic statement made by my very living husband in the same time frame.

Have you experienced loss of a partner? What remains of them, still living in your spacious heart? Ki to Happiness remembers herself to the love through yoga.



Today we await the announcement from our governor. He is to announce which counties are able to remain open at Phase 3 restrictions, and which need to revert back to Phase 2. At this precipice, Hatha Yoga Center is ready with our stable pod and online classes.

The practices of yoga have kept me balanced, open, healthy, and loving during this most challenging time. I keep hearing from others far away, who are starving, sick, dying, and/or facing cancers. I am sending them all these practices to companion their path.

What keeps you balanced, open, healthy, and loving? What can you do to help others? Ki to Happiness is grateful to be able to share the gift of yoga.


Fruit salad

Our 28-year-old came to visit yesterday. He’s so busy working. It’s wonderful to see him growing up into himself. We are blessed that in his thoughtfulness he took time out of his weekend to see us.

Many of his choices are not in alignment with our values. He represents the evolution of what all of us parents have offered him. We are vegan. He’s not. We live the yogic lifestyle. He works construction We like old acoustic folk music. He performs rap in Indonesian. He took some tea, and fruit salad though. Soon he’ll plant some lettuce.

How have you evolved what your parents value? Can you see how your kids have evolved your values? Ki to Happiness loves that we all value fruit salad.



In my first postgraduate training, I became especially tight with a couple of the women in our group. Years before the Internet of things kept us all in contact, we found our way into our separate lives after completing the 2 year program. I reunited with one of them years ago on FB, but the other was hard to find.

Until yesterday. I can barely share my joy with you through my bleary teary eyes, wet with reconciliation. She accepted my friend request, gave me her number and allowed me to share it with our other buddy. I’ll call her when I can do so with enough emotional space to process the rippling effect of cascading memories.

Do you remember life before the Internet? Have you reconnected with all of the beloveds you want? Ki to Happiness cherishes the women friends.


May Day

The ancient ones called this day Beltane. They would build a bonfire and all would gather for merriment.Festive foods and drinks would celebrate the beginning of new growth and fertility. Gods and goddesses would be embodied in order for sacred coupling to ensue.

Hatha Yoga includes includes practices that ignites the internal fire. This fire is used to burn up the past, and make way for the internal God and Goddess to unite. The left channel is the feminine (called Ida) and the right is masculine (called the Pingala). Together, they strengthen the central channel ( the Shushumana) for full ignition of the Creative Potential!

Could you benefit from this practice? What do you need to find your way to it? Ki to Happiness wishes you a merry May.