
Portable Safety Zone

Proceeding during this time of uncertainty, I am prioritizing safety. The potential for another mob of insurrectionists in our nation’s capital has my attention. I am not alone in this, as many are actively securing our democratic republic.

In this Washington, I am safe. Yoga practices bring me to steadiness, keeping up with the daily disturbances.Where ever I am, safety goes with me. A zone of conscious intention surrounds me.

How safe are you now? Can you extend that safety to others? Ki to Happiness extends her portable safety zone to you.


Lead, follow, or leave

Watching the video of Representative Kim clean the rotunda after the mob insurrection brought me to tears. Grateful for his humility, and his willingness to roll up his sleeves and to do the right thing, moves us. In the right direction…

When one demonstrates an inability to lead or follow, it’s best if they get out of the way. Gracefully on one’s own, or with a police escort are two choices along the continuum. Whatever it takes to clean up the mess must occur. Rep. Kim has shown the way.

Did you see the video, too? We’re you moved, as was I? Ki to Happiness rolls up her sleeves.


Doing your part

Now there’s a fifth person dead from the assault on our capital. Action needs to be taken so that those responsible are held accountable for their actions, their words, as well as their interactions.

My responsibility is to look within in search of compassion for all involved. Healing myself from the various disparate voices within, I find peace. I share that with those I encounter. And I signed a petition.

What peaceful solution can accommodate your differences within? How might that translate to the outer differences in our world? Ki to Happiness is doing her part.



The blue victory is upon the land. No wonder the old guard is distracting us from the new reality. The desire to hold onto the past for those who have been in power is great. The need for release is even greater.

Seeing this playing out on the national stage let’s us know how hard it is to change. In radical compassion for our collective unconscious, I want to express my understanding. In my past, my old guard also felt in charge, and did not give up easily. All these years later, I am relieved to have surrendered into Higher Consciousness, where we all are welcome, and each of us equally matter.

Have you overthrown your old guard? How willingly can you surrender to your Highest Consciousness? Ki to Happiness celebrates each victory.



Today is the feast of the Epiphany. Traditionally it represents the coming together of the three Wise men, representing different races and the different ages of man. All are following the Christmas star, the guiding light, to the babe in the manger, where spirit has become manifest in matter.

Scientific and ethnobotanists consider the evidence pointing toward sacramental use of organic compounds brewed into a cocktail resulted in spiritual guidance and soul vision. Either way, all are welcome to feast on the Highest on this day!

How do you come to soul vision? What is your guiding light? Ki to Happiness opens to the Spirit of Guidance with yoga.


Breathing in between

The holidays are over and the new year has begun. Somehow I feel like I am in between, breathing. The loss of my mother-in-law has me not wanting to cook, (one of her attributes). The impending surgery for my dear friend has me attentive to her process. I feel dull, slow, and sober.

I also am aware of the sense of yoga postures I have practiced… pain free, staying steady, breathing, regardless of whatever the pose is. I am blessed with having taken the opportunity to practice for a long time, in a lot of circumstances. I continue.

Are your holidays over? Has your new year begun yet? Ki to Happiness breathes in between.


Rest in peace

We learned yesterday that my mother-in-law Helen passed away. After 92 1/2 years of a life well lived, she exited her form peacefully. My husband Bob was watching the football game with his son at the moment, just as she would have had them.

We have lit a candle in honor of her. It is illuminating a hanging plant she gifted me years ago for my birthday. Our simple memorial of her is just what she wanted.

What would you want? How could you exit the most peacefully? Ki to Happiness honors Helen’s wishes.



Joyful “end of holidays” tidying going on here. Putting away decorations, repurposing components, deep cleaning all are projects of the new year.

These rituals anchor us, cuing our sense of timing. Other rituals may have been restricted this year. So we appreciate all that helps us find continuity.

How tidy are you? Have you found satisfaction with your rituals as the holidays come to a close? Ki to Happiness finds joy in the afterglow.


Postures of the year

The 2021 selections have been revealed! Since were all in the same boat, we will be practicing both posture and it’s variations. Camel and it’s variations will be the counter pose.

In addition, we will highlighting the Water Lily, aka Ardha Utkatasana, Flaminco, Lakshmiasana. Lots of names for standing on one leg with the other crossed over as we stretch the outer hip. Bob has already started into his own personal year with his own posture, armless cobra.

How do these postures of the year sound to you? What would your personal posture of the year be? Ki to Happiness chooses all…


Welcome 2021

Happy new year! Our governor has announced the extension of the present restrictions until January 11. Some parts of the new year will still seem like the old year. Our flexibility and adaptability will continue to support us.

Ringing out the old, there’s room for the new! In our gratitude yoga practice yesterday, we had a chance to extract the best of 2020 and bless that which we released. In the fresh space that remains, I have lit my New Year’s candle, which says “Be Kind”. Our new posture of the year will help us strengthen our resolutions.

What would your candle say? What would posture would you choose for the year? Ki to Happiness wishes you all a kind year.