
Day by Day

When I was a kid, I learned to play the guitar. My first stepdad taught me some basic chords. Day by Day was an easy tune and I could sing along with it. As the years roll on, occasionally I still pick up my guitar and find my way to its comforting sounds and the soothing lyrics of that song.

As the Hatha Yoga Center digs out of the repercussions of the recent break in, my internal DJ plays Day by Day. I’m companioned as I tend to my needs with the cops, landlord, bankers, driver’s license worker, and all the rest. “Oh dear Lord, Three things I pray-To see Thee more clearly, love Thee more dearly, follow Thee more nearly…Day by Day.”

What does your internal DJ play? Can you see the slow steady progress happening Day by Day in the most essential ways? Ki to Happiness hums it into manifestation.