
Go fund her

I have a dear lifelong friend, who’s amazing daughter Kelsey Piper McCoy is fulfilling, her dream of becoming a large animal veterinarian. I have watched this little one grow into a beautiful, smart, and helpful young adult. As she is on an African internship, she could use an influx of funds to offset the cost.

I am happy to contribute, as is my brother and mother. I shared the link with you, dear readers, in case you have an abundance and a desire to contribute. Your generosity could make all the difference in her ability to realize her dream.

How do you contribute to the future? Would you like to help make a young woman’s dream come true? Ki to Happiness gives generously and receives 1000 x what she offers.

2 replies on “Go fund her”

This is such an amazing and generous contribution. You and your family are making towards Kelsey‘s future. She is a hard worker and it’s so rewarding to see people recognize her at incredible efforts. Thank you, thank you.

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